What is ideation?

It is the process of generating, developing and communicating ideas. It sounds simple, but organizations often don’t find a way to make it happen.

BDO together with IDAalTech designed a model whereby ideation takes on a broader meaning and includes the processes of generating, evaluating, comparing and selecting ideas, and the grouping and merging of these ideas into new project proposals or extensions of existing projects.

Ideation plays a strategic role in innovation, and this in the competitiveness and subsistence of organizations. In other words, ideation enhances an organization’s capacity for innovation and, therefore, conditions the sustainability and renewal of its products, services and work routines over time.

The idea management process can also determine the success or failure of a project, as empirical studies show that mistakes at the conception stage have the most sustainable impact.

What is innovation?

It is a change that introduces novelties, and that generally refers to modifying existing elements in order to improve them, although it is also possible in the implementation of totally new elements.

Innovation processes can improve specific situations, but there are plenty of examples of opportunities where the world is changed.

Why DreamNova?

Through the best practices of ideation and the collaborative power provided by technology, ideas flow faster, gain strength and those that obtain greater adherence can become successful projects and, then, become realities.

DREAMNOVA makes the difficult, easy; and the easy, he does it well. Get ideas to flow, share, discuss. It has never been so simple and effective to innovate in an organization.

Why DreamNova?

Through the best practices of ideation and the collaborative power provided by technology, ideas flow faster, gain strength and those that obtain greater adherence can become successful projects and, then, become realities.

DREAMNOVA makes the difficult, easy; and the easy, he does it well. Get ideas to flow, share, discuss. It has never been so simple and effective to innovate in an organization.


  • Creation of CHALLENGES
  • Creation of IDEAS
  • BOOST IDEAS through algorithms that capture interactions and behaviors
  • Transformation of IDEAS into PROJECTS
  • Analytics of IDEAS and COLLABORATORS
  • “PUSH” messages and collaborative messaging between participants
  • Android / IO Apps
  • Web backend
  • Gamification
Step by Step
  • Create “CHALLENGES” aligned to the organization’s strategy.
    An Innovation Committee may challenge a group of people, an area or the entire organization to come up with their best IDEAS.
  • Express your IDEAS freely and openly.
    All collaborators can post ideas freely or linked to the challenges. Support IDEAS and receive support.
  • Add points.
    Increase your innovation score and receive badges.


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